
What’s New? — The EI Blog

    10January 2013


    Linkedin Live Raleigh's Bi-Monthly Business Networking Social

    Proudly Supporting the Food Bank of North Carolina Tuesday, January 8, 2013 — 6-9pm

    Linkedin Live Raleigh at The Chef's Academy

    The Chef’s Academy  |  2001 Carrington Mill Boulevard, Morrisville, NC  |  [Google Map]

    Linkedin Live Raleigh Linkedin Live Raleigh (LLR) aims to help Linkedin members in the Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill area, deepen the connections they have online, and to build new connections in the real world. While connecting with present, past, and potential colleagues and business partners at Linkedin Live Raleigh, participants meet professionals at all career stages — thus expanding their reach, demonstrating their expertise and finding new opportunities.     Food Bank of Central & Eastern North CarolinaA suggested $5 donation collected at the door, will benefit the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, a nonprofit organization that has provided food for people at risk of hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina for more than 30 years. The Food Bank serves a network of more than 800 partner agencies such as soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, and programs for children and adults through warehouses in Durham, Greenville, New Bern, Raleigh, the Sandhills (Southern Pines), and Wilmington. In fiscal year 2011-2012, the Food Bank distributed nearly 45 million pounds of food and non-food essentials through these agencies. If you would like additional information about the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, please visit their website at

    UPDATED: Photos from Linkedin Live Raleigh

    [rev_slider LLR-2013-01-12]
    13November 2012
    Empowered Ideas Co-Founder, James Wong (@CommunityMGR), was invited to be a guest on #PrevChat, a bi-weekly discussion on Twitter which provides an opportunity to connect and share resources, ideas and possibilities with other individuals who are equally energized about prevention and wellness. With an increasing number of nonprofits and coalitions engaging in social media and digital communications, it's increasingly critical that these organizations develop digital policies, strategies and empower their team members through training.

    #PrevChat Twitter Discussion Archive:

    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  | @PrevChat: Thank you all for joining a big round of virtual applause for @CommunityMGR aka James Wong for sharing his expertise/wisdom #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  @CommunityMGR: Thanks to @PrevChat for hosting today's discussion. Thx 2@complexified @drjeremysegrott @Center_for_AI @Coyenator+more for the discussion.
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: Thank you @communityMGR for taking the time to share your insights on SM and how we can communicate authentically with one another #prevchat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: @CommunityMGR @coyenator thank you so much for a thought-provoking and valuable hour of #PrevChat !
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Qwrap That's a wrap. Re-introduce yourself, location and tell us something you'd like us to know about you or ur work
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: It's been a pleasure joining #PrevChat today. Again, I am James Wong of #EmpoweredIdeas, a Mktg/Comm firm for Small Businesses & Nonprofits.
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: A6 Several but for starters, be selective in channels, add value to convo, and craft message to ignite conversation #PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: RT @CommunityMGR Some offices today have TV monitors in hallways stream LIVE feeds from Twitter/FB. Staff SEE & be in the KNOW. #PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #PrevChat mobile for sure. See also work of BJ Fogg. Also Dave Gustafson at U WI, who's written about pervasive persuasive tech.
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  @PrevChat: Qwrap Re-introduce yourself, location and tell us something you'd like us to know about you or ur work.
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @drjeremysegrott Twitter is a great broadcast medium for knowledge exchange. Translation is best on channels with >140 chars. :)#PrevChat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q6 What's your favorite tweet wisdom from PrevChat today?#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: If staff are trained to what SM you have, and where/how to share it, they often will. No training = often afraid to participate. #PrevChat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q6 As we near our qwrap today, What's your favorite tweet wisdom, learning or action from PrevChat today?
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Some offices today have TV monitors in hallways that stream LIVE feeds from Twitter/FB. This allows staff to SEE & be in the KNOW.#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Can't make viral content. Content goes viral because it's relevant and engaging. If you post boring stuff, you get the same back. #PrevChat
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @CommunityMGR In @deciphercentre we are trying to think about knowledge exchange, not just knowledge translation. #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @complexified I always suggest mobile as a way to work around some of the obstacles to access, thoughts? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Key to Branding Online = Consistent Messaging, Relevant Content, Strategic Content Placement & Considerations to Website Traffic#PrevChat
     PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q6 In the flow -- What are some ways to make social media communications a natural part of work flow for most, not an add on?
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: @coyenator #prevchat yes, many orgs deny SocMed access at work. ListServ tech may still be useful. Other ways?
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR Any tips or listening tools (or practices) you recommend? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @center_for_ai Yes! Be selective in who you follow, & your feeds will be less cluttered. Likewise, be strategic in what you post. #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Any content (auto or live) is a seed for conversation. Craft your messaging so that it ignites conversation. Always be listening.#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @drjeremysegrott Integrating online and offline worlds has been a passion of mine since I was 12. :D #PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: @CommunityMGR #prevchat yes, key is monitoring to respond asap to replies and comments
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: what I have learned is to be strategic in who you follow and the content you post. That's how you authentically connect to others#prevchat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #PrevChat A5: be DIFFERENT. What do you say or offer that adds value, builds potential, that is unique to you? Diff strat for coalitions..
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR do you treat auto-tweets with static content as a way to seed conversation or drive traffic or both? #PrevChat
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @CommunityMGR Find integrating SM with face 2 face interaction good - eg meeting people @ conferences after linking on Twitter.#prevchat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Key to SM: Ppl are TALKING. You always LISTEN. If you join a channel, have the resources to ENGAGE. Not all channels = AUDIENCE #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @complexified agree Bruce, yet I still find most agencies & organizations do not allow staff to use social media at work #fail#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @complexified | Exactly, but you can do both. Auto-tweets for static content, but real-time for discussion, & ALWAYS monitor it #PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #PrevChat A3: SocMed is a tool, some better than others. Assure all have access, & know-how; feedback loops driving learning & change
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q5 What are some ideas, resources or examples you've seen or created for getting social media messaging & web branding right?#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Empowering your staff is the diff between "I work at __." and "I work at __, and we do __ and __. Follow us on __ & __ &__." #PrevChat
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @CommunityMGR - that's such good advice. #PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #prevchat re scheduled robotweets: i personally do not. I reply to others who do, and they rarely, if ever, respond. Engage authentically
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @coyenator I know this sounds obvious but I try (mostly!) only to tweet when I have something I feel others will be interested in.prevchat#
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Understanding tools + syntax (ex: hanshtags) of the channels used, it's easy to cut through clutter and have relevant discussion#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: PT @CommunityMGR: Nothing promotes your message like a relevant conversation for all to see and join. #wisdom #PrevChat
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @PrevChat #A4 groups like #prevchat - work across countries. We've had a good experience with @acwri. Good use of hashtags important.
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Nothing promotes your message like a relevant conversation for all to see and join. SM is a two-way street, unlike days of MADMEN#PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #prevchat re 24/7/365: 1am I was in twitter conversation with ppl in Vancouver, & Singapore. It's 4 o'clock somewhere (tea time!)
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Website = focal-pt for knowledge leadership, and SM is only a tool to distribute awareness of content, you negate time issues. #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Your org's website should be the HUB of all communications. Your Twitter, FB, videos, etc... should all drive traffic to YOUR site#PrevChat
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @Center_for_AI Thanks! I know that lots of my followers are US-based so tweeting here (UK) in the morning will miss most of them.#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @Center_for_AI A3 yes, how to craft messages that are signal and not just noise? #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Curious about striking the balance btw promoting own message and engaging? Thoughts? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: The understanding that your audience may span across time zones is fundamental to your email campaigns as well as social media.#PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: A3: I believe many ppl are bombarded w/ so much that your message to them gets lost thru all the white noise... #prevchat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @DrJeremySegrott brings up a good point. Understand your audience, their comms preference and location. Timing can be everything. #PrevChat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q4 What actions or strategies have you seen work well for bringing staff/peeps together via media/social media? #PrevChat
    Virginia Johnson  |  Tiny Klout Flag58  |  ‏@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Identify Knowledge Leaders org. Encourage to join discussion. Leverage their resource to advocate your msg.#PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: @DrJeremySegrott What a great idea! never thought about using hootsuite to reach those in other time zones! #prevchat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: General knowledge leadership (content) that is not time sensitive --vthe only content I would schedule. The KEY is RELEVANCE...#PrevChat
    Bruce Waltuck  |  Tiny Klout Flag56  |  ‏@complexified: #PrevChat A1: communicate with all: shares knowledge, ideas, builds adaptive capacity, resilience, alignment, innovation, trust etc.
    Dr Jeremy Segrott  |  Tiny Klout Flag49  |  ‏@DrJeremySegrott: @coyenator I use Hootsuite scheduling to re-send my tweets overnight so they reach people in different timezones. #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Strict or non-existent policies are detrimental to advocacy through social media. Hence the importance of training from Mktg & PR.#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Empowered team members have more "buy-in," and you never know who they're connected to, or their friends to. Go beyond UR audience#PrevChat
    Virginia Johnson  |  Tiny Klout Flag58  |  ‏@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Empower staff by educating & keeping them in the loop. Most powerful advocates are within. #PrevChat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q3 Where are the challenges in connecting people w/ media/social media? What gets in the way of engaging? #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR Do you schedule by the week? I'm wondering how far out we can realistically think/prepare/seed? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Identify Knowledge Leaders in your org. Encourage them to join the discussion. Leverage their resource to advocate your msg.#PrevChat
    Virginia Johnson  |  Tiny Klout Flag58  |  ‏@EmpoweredVA: Enjoying the #PrevChat discussion today. Thanks to @coyenator and@CommunityMGR for the online communications tips.
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: @Center_for_AI I use scheduling only for specific content. Conversations can't be scheduled. @HootSuite when utilized is awesome. #PrevChat
    Virginia Johnson  |  Tiny Klout Flag58  |  ‏@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Com. Management is 24/7/365 job. Internet time diff from real-time, it never stops. Advocacy must not sleep.#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: RT @Center_for_AI: do you think scheduling your tweets & such on hootsuite is not authentic communication w/ your followers?#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Empower staff by educating them and keeping them in the loop on what is coming down the line. Most powerful advocates are within.#PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: do you think scheduling your tweets & such on hootsuite is not 'authentic' communication w/ your followers? #prevchat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: hootsuite's dashboard seems overwhelming. I use tools so that when i post on fb a tweet goes out. Any other tools you suggest? #prevchat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Through the mainstream use of SEARCH, people are looking up each other. It's impossible to separate life from work. You rep BOTH.#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Beginning of Time to 1994-ish = Mktg/Comms/PR Teams managed & the embodied brand. Today, EVERYONE represents your brand.#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR more important than tools are your practices in managing that much/many. How do you do it? (feels overwhelming)#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR maybe you could recommend a few tools b4 we close out today James? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: I manage 10+ brands via iPhone iOS/Email notifications, @HootSuite, Analytics and a solid schedule of how often I check streams#PrevChat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q2 What are some ways u use media/social media to empower staff/advocates? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: True, time management is critical. But there are tools avail. Through software and mobile notifications, it can be done. #PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: @CommunityMGR so glad to have met you through #prevchat - loving the conversation!
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Facebook: Engagement medium for long-form discussion. Empower your trained staff to participate in the discussion. #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Twitter: If you're using it, your audience expects a "quick" turnaround. Beyond 12-24 hrs is too late. #Knowledge #Leadership #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @CommunityMGR makes for a scary job description James - 24x7x365 :) #PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: The biggest problem with spreading yourself over numerous methods is time management #prevchat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Community Management is a 24/7/365 job. Internet time is diff from real-time, it never stops. Therefore, advocacy must not sleep.#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: RT @CommunityMGR: Its critical orgs identify individual(s) w/ aptitude to manage online channels-diff expectations across channels#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  | ‏@coyenator: James, what have you seen orgs/coaltions do to breakthrough the silos? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: It's critical orgs identify individual(s) with the aptitude to manage online channels. There are diff expectations across channels#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: .@Center_for_AI has diversified their online communications, and I'm sure they've realized that each channel has a unique audience#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: I often hear, let someone else do that I don't have time. Is time the big barrier James? #PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Traditionally, comms in most orgs is siloed. However, to truly be sustainable and grow awareness, everyone must be empowered.#PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: @Center_for_AI Hi Melissa, glad you could join us today - we have@CommunityMGR (James Wong) with us #PrevChat
    Center for AI  |  Tiny Klout Flag39  |  ‏@Center_for_AI: Melissa Robaina from sunny but cold Las Vegas and I use several methods of communication and I like them all #prevchat
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q1 What are some reasons why everyone in your coalition/org would want/need to be involved in communications? #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: LaDonna Coy here from East Texas, and my fave communications method is F2F but online I like twitter. #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Welcome James -- so happy you could join PrevChat today!#PrevChat
    James Wong  |  Tiny Klout Flag62  |  ‏@CommunityMGR: Thanks for tuning into #PrevChat for the next hour. It's a pleasure to be speaking to all of the participating communities and coalitions :)
    PrevChat  |  Tiny Klout Flag38  |  ‏@PrevChat: Q0 Welcome to PrevChat. Introduce yourself, where you're from & a favorite method of communications these days #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Pause whatever you're doing for some "brain refreshments" by joining #PrevChat in just 3 minutes #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: come join in @bheretoday since we're talking communications. You'll like this conversation #PrevChat #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Thanks for the note and spreading PrevChat in your circles@vickiebadams we'll miss your presence & good energy #PrevChat
    Vickie B. Adams  |  Tiny Klout Flag45  |  ‏@vickiebadams: Missing #prevchat today :( If you are interested in strengthening coalition communications please join the chat 1pm ET
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Looking fwd to #PrevChat at top of hour @circlesofsa@vickiebadams @ken_homer @complexified @empoweredva@yourapnc #PrevChat
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Get ready, get set ... #PrevChat starts in 20 min. What have you done that's helped you strengthen communications? #PrevChat
    Virginia Johnson  |  Tiny Klout Flag58  |  ‏@EmpoweredVA: 20 minutes to #PrevChat! Join us as we discuss communication needs for coalitions w/ @CommunityMGR | 11/13 at 1PM EST | 
    LaDonna Coy  |  Tiny Klout Flag53  |  ‏@coyenator: Nice to connect with @TABJNC @NAAAPRTP and @yourAPNCwelcome to PrevChat #PrevChat
    2012-11-08 EAHEC State of the Art Conference
    09November 2012

    Eastern AHEC's 28th Annual Sustance Abuse Services State of the Art Conference

    November 7-8, 2012 in Greenville, North Carolina Empowered Ideas Co-Founders, James Wong & Virginia Johnson (CSAPC), were honored to present a 3-hour session on Ethics and Professional Responsibility in the World of Social Media at the Eastern AHEC's State of the Art Conference.

    Session Synopsis

    Surrounded by ever changing digital technologies, it is important to remember that they are only tools. The informed professional can use these tools for good to increase connections and share knowledge, while the misinformed user can put themselves or their clients at risk. Join us as we discuss how to be an “Empowered Professional” through best practices and the application of professional responsibility around social media.

    About the Conference

    This premier annual conference, the 28th Annual State of the Art Conference, continues with its tradition of providing quality training to substance abuse and related professionals. The Eastern Region Substance Abuse Services Training Committee has worked hard to keep costs as low as possible, while still providing outstanding sessions for new and seasoned practitioners. Staying true to its focus as the Eastern Region Substance Abuse Services State of the Art Conference, the conference provides cutting edge sessions as well as sessions that fulfill credentialing and accreditation requirements.
    2012-10-02 Digital East 2012 (Washington, DC)
    04November 2012
    Empowered Ideas was invited by TechMedia to present at the 2012 Digital East Conference in Washington, D.C. In fact, co-founders James Wong and Virginia Johnson were asked to teach a pre-conference workshop on Nurturing Social Engagement Through Email — in addition to a main session presentation on Utilizing Email Engagement for Nonprofit Fundraising & Advocacy.  

    About Digital East

    Join hundreds of Digital executives, senior marketers, entrepreneurs, web strategists, bloggers, and investors at the Third Annual Digital East for expert content on opportunities and trends created by the latest in web innovation. Hear from dozens of industry thought leaders and innovators on topics such as Social Media, Mobile, Cloud, Analytics, Big Data, Search, Online Advertising, Ecommerce, Email and much more! In addition to learning from thought leading keynotes, actionable presentations and expert panels – attendees will have numerous networking opportunities to make lasting relationships, while also exposed to some of the top new internet firms in the demo showcase.

    BBB Accredited

    Empowered Ideas Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited BusinessEmpowered Ideas
    1000 N. Main Street
    Suite 215
    Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526

    Details About Our Accreditation

    Copyright Empowered Ideas, 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.