10April 2014
On Tuesday, April 8th, Empowered Ideas hosted another Linkedin Live Raleigh Business Networking Social in Downtown Raleigh, NC. Over 250 Triangle business professionals, from every industry and sector, attended the event, and many priceless connections were made by our attendees.
We'd like to extend a HUGE thanks to our generous sponsors:
If you were unable to attend the event, but still want to support our nonprofit of the month, please visit
Moonlight Pizza anytime on Tuesday, April 15th and a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!) .
31March 2014
On March 25th, Virginia Johnson and James Wong of Empowered Ideas were invited to present a Media Advocacy Workshop at the North Carolina Coalition Initiative: Building Capacity for Substance Free Communities (NCCI), in Asheville, NC.
Attendees at the workshop represented several coalitions from all across North Carolina, and were part of a two-year program that NCCI offers to coalitions across the state. A pre-training webinar was hosted a week prior the event, and the media advocacy training itself was hosted in Asheville, NC.
Empowered Ideas is proud to serve our North Carolina Substance Abuse Prevention communities, and we're honored to have been invited to talk about Media Advocacy at the NCCI Spring Training.
About NCCI
The North Carolina Coalition Initiative: Building Capacity for Substance Free Communities (NCCI) is a program funded by the state through the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (DMHDDSAS). Direction and technical assistance are provided by the NCCI Coordinating Center at Wake Forest School of Medicine. NCCI seeks to reduce substance abuse in North Carolina communities by building the capacity of community coalitions to implement environmental strategies.
26February 2014
Detailed information about the event can be found at:
Additional Photos via the
OFFICIAL North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies (NCFADS) Facebook Page:
About the North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies (NCFADS)
The NC Foundation for Alcohol & Drug Studies is pleased to present the 2014 Winter School, February 16th-20th at the Embassy Suites in Greensboro. We are honored to have this year's faculty filled with nationally known speakers, researchers and leaders in the field. With poets like Jaki Shelton Green, this year's Winter School is sure to not only educate, but entertain as well.
Addiction professionals, educators, health care professionals and other professionals working with addiction can earn up to 23 credit hours in a setting designed to enhance learning and create a spirit of community.