

2012-03-21 NC PRSA (2)
21March 2012
On March 21, 2012, James Wong, one of the Co-Founders of Empowered Ideas, was invited to serve as a panelist on the topic of digital marketing and communications, for the North Carolina Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). 2109
01March 2012
Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized they way and frequency of shared content on the internet. These two social channels account for the majority of user generated content on the web — until now. Fairly "new" to the social sharing arena is an online community called Pinterest, which allows users to create virtual pin boards where they can "pin" digital content they find interesting, but in an organized and sleek way. This allows their followers to follow not just all of their pins, but the ability to subscribe just the boards most interesting to them. Like many others, I was reluctant to join yet another online community, especially since the Pinterest bandwagon seemed to only feature recipe and home decor related content — valuable and entertaining in its own right, but not as relevant to me personally. This of course is not surprising when you look at Pinterest's member base of over 4 million, in which 80% of its members are educated women between the ages of 25-54 according to Ignite Social Media's recent demographic data on Pinterest. While much of the content being shared is contributed by and for women, Pinterest has added additional categories like Automobiles, Men's Apparel, Geek and Technology to attract some of the gentlemen (and additional women) as well. But why does any of this matter?  What makes Pinterest any different from other online communities, and why would businesses want to join? In short, it's all about uniqueness, relevancy and visual appeal. Crowdsourced Content Management Since every user can create various boards to organize their shared content, Pinterest has managed to levy the burden of content management on to their own members, but in a manner that is fun and entertaining. This allows for much more "real world" and accurate organization of the shared content, and thus increased relevancy to their followers. Pinterest has even added a feature that allows users to grant permission to specific followers to contribute to their boards, thus adding a co-contributor-like experience between members. It's also important to note that all of this shared content can also be shared to other popular communities like Facebook and Twitter. Businesses Must Be Visual Businesses that have products or services that can easily be translated into sleek images that are unique and aesthetically appealing, will be the most successful on Pinterest. As businesses post images that relate to their followers, their content is being republished ("pinned") on individual member boards, to be shared with all of their followers who are also interested in that particular subject matter. The most relevant photos are the ones shared the most, and with the ability to click-through to additional content, this positions Pinterest to be a major player in regards to traffic generation for online marketers. Pure Entertainment Without the Chatter A major difference between other online communities and Pinterest is the purposeful lack of direct user-focused story telling. While you can surely gain valuable insights into the hobbies and tastes of the people and organizations you follow, the goal is not to keep up with every aspect of their daily lives. Outside of comments posted on pins, there are no status updates or geo-locational check-ins. Members login via the website or mobile device to simple scan through images and content which appeal to them.  A dear friend of mine accurately compared Pinterest to a fashion magazine.  It's very visual, and has content relevant to the reader, but it's mainly just a visual form of entertainment. If you want additional information, you can easily find out more, but it's the visual aspect that made you give the page more than just a casual glance. This is the secret to Pinterest's growing success.  It's pure entertainment, mixed with education and the ability of its members to organize and manage the content within the community, even if it is only at a subconscious level. How Should Businesses Get Involved? If your business caters to female internet users, Pinterest could be your ideal "buzz" generator. But businesses should be careful when deciding to use Pinterest for marketing and/or branding.  If your products and/or services aren't visually appealing, or in some cases, are simply horrible products, I wouldn't suggest using Pinterest. An image can say a thousand words about your business, and you want to make sure it's saying what you want it to say. However, if your business does provide quality products and services, and you can capture the essence, functionality and purpose of what you provide — visually, then you'll most likely be quite successful across all gender and age demographics. It's important to note that Pinterest prohibits the typical sales and marketing imagery you'd see everywhere else on the internet. So the key will always be to post content that is unique, relevant and visually appealing. Businesses must allow the qualities and allure of their products to sell themselves.
10February 2012
As both the current President of the Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA), and the Marketing Communications Manager at iContact, interesting topics and emerging industry trends are always on my radar in terms of interactive. TIMA has always been an organization focusing heavily on changes in the interactive space, and while healthcare has been a hot topic of discussion for quite a while, what isn't being talked about is the surprising lack of resources allocated by pharmaceutical ("pharma") and healthcare providers towards digital marketing initiatives. In fact, only about 5% of marketing dollars in pharma are being utilized to support consumer marketing via digital. In 2012, analysts are predicting that consumers will continue transitioning from TV and radio, to online sources as their preferred method of research and news.  Not surprisingly, medical doctors and other industry professionals are also following suit, with a reported 70% of M.D.'s preferring online courses over classroom continuing education.
[caption id="attachment_8273" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="TIMA President, James Wong; Executive Director of WebMD, Richard Schwartz; and TIMA Director of Strategic Partnerships, Janet Kennedy."][/caption]
On Wednesday, February 8th, TIMA hosted a lunch and learn discussion panel in downtown Raleigh, NC called "Healthcare Marketing: The Interactive Impact, " moderated by Richard Schwartz, the Executive Director of WebMD, and accompanied by Jeff Hill, Director of Digital Strategy and Technology for MedThink Communications; Dave Harrell, Owner of Dave Harrell Advertising; and Andre Blackman, Director of Digital Communications and New Media for the American Heart Association. The primary focus during the discussion revolved around the fact that given the move to more digital media, how can healthcare marketers effectively engage consumers, while balancing tight budgets, industry skepticism and the over looming topic of patient privacy? Richard Schwartz of WebMD opened the session with an interesting point:
"eMarketer estimates 'US online ad spending will reach nearly 40 billion in 2012... pushing it ahead of total spending on print newspapers and magazines,' but only 5% of marketing dollars are spent on digital consumer marketing, with another 2% targeting medical professionals."
This simple yet terrifying fact highlights the single most important aspect of healthcare marketing today — while more and more consumers are adopting digital media, healthcare organizations are cutting back or maintaining the status quo on overall marketing budgets, while allocating unrealistic budgets to digital initiatives. What healthcare marketers are beginning to realize, is that usage trends are changing. It's reported that three quarters of the US population has performed online research related to their own personal health, while 82% of doctors refer to the internet as essential. has seen traffic trends in the past that showed usage trends starting high in the mornings, then dip rather low in the mid-afternoon and back up after work hours, as dinner and family obligations lessen.  According to today's internet usage statistics on WebMD, they are now seeing a steady amount of traffic across the entire day, as more and more patients and doctors log onto the website for reference data and research both at work and at home. The panelists all agreed that there are potential opportunities to being able to serve customized messaging and products/services in a manner that preserves the anonymity of the visiting patients and doctors, especially through electronic medical records (EMR) systems, a form of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) known to industries outside of healthcare. But in light of such trends and current consumer behaviors, why are healthcare organizations still reluctant to invest in digital? The answer is more common than you think, and yet makes little sense to digital marketers.  It's all about "status quo" and perception.  While traditional radio, TV and sales representatives are visibly seen by consumers and patients alike, the industry is used to and comfortable with the qualitative aspect of measurement over quantitative.  Meaning, that while it's harder to measure the return-on-investment (ROI) of a TV ad, it ultimately was seen (marketers call this an "impression"). This is no different from Coke placing billboards at a sporting event or on the highway.  Coke knows you won't turn your car around and buy a coke at that very moment, but they assume you at least saw the advertisement and may want a Coke later. Healthcare marketing managers are tasked with building digital marketing strategies with extremely limited marketing spend, a drastic contrast to most other industries adopting digital media. Healthcare executives are less adept to invest in a medium where regulations have not kept up with the latest digital technologies.  So instead of leading the way, many healthcare organizations are playing it safe and only "testing the waters" in limited ways. The entire panel agreed in consensus that while there aren't any more regulations governing the healthcare industry via digital media, the fact that digital involves a two-way channel rather than a traditional "push and forget" channel — horrifies most healthcare executives. So what do the panelists suggest?  It's quite simple actually.  As a healthcare marketer, it's critical to understand that the patient is now in charge, and that organizations should strive to always be relevant, simple and transparent. Through the use of Twitter, Facebook, blogs, online communities and email marketing, healthcare marketers can educate, engage and evangelize supporters through much more cost effective and measurable methods via digital. It was stated best, when a panelist mentioned that "everything in digital is measureable, but why would you want to measure it if it's not relevant?" In regards to negative feedback, brand managers and digital marketers shouldn't be afraid of such feedback either, as they should use the feedback as cost-effective channels for case studies to further improve their products and services. In fact, one of my most popular tweets during the session summarized this point best in that, "[online] brand reputation is about engagement, not rainbows." Obviously, the discussion could have gone for hours, days and even weeks since healthcare is such a broad and all encompassing topic. We were fortunate to have such a top notch panel of experts at the session, and we look forward to the future as digital media continues to evolve every industry and field. After spending several hours with Richard, Jeff, Dave and Andre for dinner the night before, and an hour glued to their discussions, I've gained some valuable insights into how other industries handle their marketing strategies, and so leave you with these simple questions to ponder about your own strategies:
  • Regardless of your industry, are you providing relevant value to your target audience?
  • According to your strategy, who's actually in control — you or the consumers?
  • Are you educating, engaging and empowering your audience? Or just pushing content to them?
  • Is your digital strategy robust and holistic enough to navigate your organization through the digital landscape?
Outside of my responsibilities at iContact and TIMA, I volunteer heavily in the field of alcohol and drug abuse prevention. The nonprofits, communities and coalitions that I work with are in fact specific forms of healthcare providers, and the state of North Carolina is at the forefront of the digital marketing evolution within the field. Through their use of email marketing, optimized website design and social media integration, many of our state's top prevention and treatment agencies are leading the way in digital marketing, while maintaining a very simple set of goals for success: provide relevant information, educate the public and engage their patients and advocates. It is my sincerest hope that more and more healthcare providers begin to loosen their reigns, increase their budgets for, and begin to engage through social media channels, because in the end, we all win.  
07February 2012
National Harbor, Maryland | February 7, 2012 — This week, Virginia L. Johnson is representing the great state of North Carolina at the 2012 CADCA Leadership Forum just outside of Washington, D.C. on the topic of North Carolina's substance abuse prevention efforts. Since 1992, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) network of more than 5,000 community anti-drug coalitions has been bringing together sectors of the community to solve their local substance abuse problems—from schools, businesses and parent groups to healthcare providers, faith organizations, social service agencies, law enforcement, government agencies and the media. The result is a comprehensive, community-wide approach to substance abuse and its related problems. On Tuesday morning, February 7th, Virginia will be joining Deeanna Hale-Holland from the North Carolina Centers for Prevention Resources, and Janice Petersen, Ph.D. of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, to discuss how the North Carolina Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Initiative (SPF-SIG Initiative) changed the landscape of substance abuse prevention across the state as resources, skills and collaborations strengthened. The presentation will cover an in depth look at North Carolina’s technical assistance infrastructure for coalitions and providers along with lessons learned during the implementation process will be covered. Examples of coalition achievements from across the state that impacted alcohol related crashes and fatalities will also be discussed along with some of the challenges of implementing a statewide initiative. For more  information about CADCA's Leadership Forum, please visit:  

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