National Harbor, Maryland | February 7, 2012 — This week, Virginia L. Johnson is representing the great state of North Carolina at the 2012 CADCA Leadership Forum just outside of Washington, D.C. on the topic of North Carolina's substance abuse prevention efforts.
Since 1992, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) network of more than 5,000 community anti-drug coalitions has been bringing together sectors of the community to solve their local substance abuse problems—from schools, businesses and parent groups to healthcare providers, faith organizations, social service agencies, law enforcement, government agencies and the media. The result is a comprehensive, community-wide approach to substance abuse and its related problems.
On Tuesday morning, February 7th, Virginia will be joining Deeanna Hale-Holland from the North Carolina Centers for Prevention Resources, and Janice Petersen, Ph.D. of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, to discuss how the North Carolina Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Initiative (SPF-SIG Initiative) changed the landscape of substance abuse prevention across the state as resources, skills and collaborations strengthened.
The presentation will cover an in depth look at North Carolina’s technical assistance infrastructure for coalitions and providers along with lessons learned during the implementation process will be covered. Examples of coalition achievements from across the state that impacted alcohol related crashes and fatalities will also be discussed along with some of the challenges of implementing a statewide initiative.
For more information about CADCA's Leadership Forum, please visit: