Empowered Ideas Co-Founder, James Wong (@CommunityMGR), was invited to be a guest on #PrevChat, a bi-weekly discussion on Twitter which provides an opportunity to connect and share resources, ideas and possibilities with other individuals who are equally energized about prevention and wellness.
With an increasing number of nonprofits and coalitions engaging in social media and digital communications, it’s increasingly critical that these organizations develop digital policies, strategies and empower their team members through training.
#PrevChat Twitter Discussion Archive:

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@CommunityMGR: Thanks to @PrevChat for hosting today’s discussion. Thx 2@complexified @drjeremysegrott @Center_for_AI @Coyenator+more for the discussion.

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@complexified: @CommunityMGR @coyenator thank you so much for a thought-provoking and valuable hour of #PrevChat !

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@CommunityMGR: It’s been a pleasure joining #PrevChat today. Again, I am James Wong of #EmpoweredIdeas, a Mktg/Comm firm for Small Businesses & Nonprofits.

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@CommunityMGR: @drjeremysegrott Twitter is a great broadcast medium for knowledge exchange. Translation is best on channels with >140 chars. 🙂#PrevChat
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@PrevChat: Q6 As we near our qwrap today, What’s your favorite tweet wisdom, learning or action from PrevChat today?
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@DrJeremySegrott: @CommunityMGR In @deciphercentre we are trying to think about knowledge exchange, not just knowledge translation. #PrevChat
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@coyenator: @complexified I always suggest mobile as a way to work around some of the obstacles to access, thoughts? #PrevChat

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@complexified: @coyenator #prevchat yes, many orgs deny SocMed access at work. ListServ tech may still be useful. Other ways?
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@coyenator: @CommunityMGR Any tips or listening tools (or practices) you recommend? #PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: @center_for_ai Yes! Be selective in who you follow, & your feeds will be less cluttered. Likewise, be strategic in what you post. #PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: @drjeremysegrott Integrating online and offline worlds has been a passion of mine since I was 12. 😀 #PrevChat
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@complexified: @CommunityMGR #prevchat yes, key is monitoring to respond asap to replies and comments
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@coyenator: @CommunityMGR do you treat auto-tweets with static content as a way to seed conversation or drive traffic or both? #PrevChat
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@DrJeremySegrott: @CommunityMGR Find integrating SM with face 2 face interaction good – eg meeting people @ conferences after linking on Twitter.#prevchat
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@coyenator: @complexified agree Bruce, yet I still find most agencies & organizations do not allow staff to use social media at work #fail#PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: > @complexified | Exactly, but you can do both. Auto-tweets for static content, but real-time for discussion, & ALWAYS monitor it #PrevChat
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@DrJeremySegrott: @coyenator I know this sounds obvious but I try (mostly!) only to tweet when I have something I feel others will be interested in.prevchat#
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@coyenator: PT @CommunityMGR: Nothing promotes your message like a relevant conversation for all to see and join. #wisdom #PrevChat
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@DrJeremySegrott: @Center_for_AI Thanks! I know that lots of my followers are US-based so tweeting here (UK) in the morning will miss most of them.#PrevChat
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@coyenator: @Center_for_AI A3 yes, how to craft messages that are signal and not just noise? #PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: @DrJeremySegrott brings up a good point. Understand your audience, their comms preference and location. Timing can be everything. #PrevChat
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@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Identify Knowledge Leaders org. Encourage to join discussion. Leverage their resource to advocate your msg.#PrevChat
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@Center_for_AI: @DrJeremySegrott What a great idea! never thought about using hootsuite to reach those in other time zones! #prevchat
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@DrJeremySegrott: @coyenator I use Hootsuite scheduling to re-send my tweets overnight so they reach people in different timezones. #PrevChat
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@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Empower staff by educating & keeping them in the loop. Most powerful advocates are within. #PrevChat
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@coyenator: @CommunityMGR Do you schedule by the week? I’m wondering how far out we can realistically think/prepare/seed? #PrevChat
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@EmpoweredVA: Enjoying the #PrevChat discussion today. Thanks to @coyenator and@CommunityMGR for the online communications tips.
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@CommunityMGR: @Center_for_AI I use scheduling only for specific content. Conversations can’t be scheduled. @HootSuite when utilized is awesome. #PrevChat
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@EmpoweredVA: RT @CommunityMGR: Com. Management is 24/7/365 job. Internet time diff from real-time, it never stops. Advocacy must not sleep.#PrevChat
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@coyenator: RT @Center_for_AI: do you think scheduling your tweets & such on hootsuite is not authentic communication w/ your followers?#PrevChat
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@coyenator: @CommunityMGR more important than tools are your practices in managing that much/many. How do you do it? (feels overwhelming)#PrevChat
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@coyenator: @CommunityMGR maybe you could recommend a few tools b4 we close out today James? #PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: I manage 10+ brands via iPhone iOS/Email notifications, @HootSuite, Analytics and a solid schedule of how often I check streams#PrevChat
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@Center_for_AI: @CommunityMGR so glad to have met you through #prevchat – loving the conversation!
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@CommunityMGR: Twitter: If you’re using it, your audience expects a “quick” turnaround. Beyond 12-24 hrs is too late. #Knowledge #Leadership #PrevChat
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@coyenator: RT @CommunityMGR: Its critical orgs identify individual(s) w/ aptitude to manage online channels-diff expectations across channels#PrevChat
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@CommunityMGR: .@Center_for_AI has diversified their online communications, and I’m sure they’ve realized that each channel has a unique audience#PrevChat
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@coyenator: @Center_for_AI Hi Melissa, glad you could join us today – we have@CommunityMGR (James Wong) with us #PrevChat
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@coyenator: come join in @bheretoday since we’re talking communications. You’ll like this conversation #PrevChat #PrevChat
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@coyenator: Thanks for the note and spreading PrevChat in your circles@vickiebadams we’ll miss your presence & good energy #PrevChat
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@coyenator: Looking fwd to #PrevChat at top of hour @circlesofsa@vickiebadams @ken_homer @complexified @empoweredva@yourapnc #PrevChat
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@EmpoweredVA: 20 minutes to #PrevChat! Join us as we discuss communication needs for coalitions w/ @CommunityMGR | 11/13 at 1PM EST |http://PrevChat.com